#26 Managing Personal and Small Business Debt

Published: April 23, 2020, 5:46 a.m.

In the second of their two part series on small business finance Brennen and Tatiana Tsoir (personal finance wizard, and host of the podcast "Anything Would Work") delve into dicey subject of debt, what's good, what's bad, and how to deal with it. 

Hello all you cool cats out there! this week we are bringing you the much anticipated second episode with Tatiana Tsoir! It's been a real blast having her on for a couple of Close to Home episodes in a row here, so we hope you'll show her some love by checking out her new book: “Dream Bold, Start Smart” as well as her personalized learning courses, and her own podcast. You can do all of that, or maybe just one or two, whatever is convenient, over at: tatianatsoir.com

And hey, if you're already over there maybe drop her a comment telling her you enjoyed her on the CTH podcast and she should come back, we would sure appreciate it if you did. 

Anyway on to the main event, this week while we still have Tatiana's expertise we are talking all about debt, both yours and your small businesses. Now one thing you'll often hear about this topic is that debt is good, you want a long credit history, and you should grow that history by paying off debt for increasingly large items over years and years. Get ready to have that idea put thoroughly on blast this week. I will be the first to tell you Tatiana is here to bust upon those preconceptions and leave you hard honest facts about what debt is worth the risk of taking on, and how you should deal with it once you have it. Honestly, it's a refreshing take and you'll pick up some good stuff, but I'm not going to spoil it here, it is 20 minutes well spent though. 

If you have any questions, or you just want to badger us to have Tatiana again we always love to hear from you guys via our various social media platforms: 




Also online at: TheClouseGroup.com

And as always thank you for listening!

Our Opening theme:


By Kevin Mcleod (incomptech.com)

Other music (in order used):

“Just Breathing”

By Coyote Hearing

“We Don’t Know How it Ends”

By Lee Rosevere (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)

Music obtained and Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
