80: "Do Beekeeping" with Orren Fox

Published: Sept. 25, 2015, 2:26 p.m.

Do Beekeeping - The secret to happy honeybees Orren Fox

Honey. Drizzled over a slice of fresh bread… or eaten directly from the spoon… is one of life’s great pleasures. And with beehives springing up on urban rooftops, in next door’s back garden – even schemes for adopting bees or renting hives – becoming a honey producer seems… possible. So how easy is it and what’s involved?
By sharing the journey of 18-year-old beekeeper Orren Fox – who clearly remembers what it’s like to be a rookie – you’ll discover that keeping your own honeybees is easier than you think. Find out:

How and where to set up your hive
The tools and equipment you need to get started
The job of inspecting the hive
How and when to harvest your honey

With delicious honey-based recipes shared by talented and resourceful chefs and cooks, including Honey & Co., you’ll learn all about bees and their inspiring world of work and honey production. And may even be tempted to buy your first bee suit.
Links in this show:
Do Beekeeping by Orren Fox
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