100: Susan Sumner From Virginia Tech Talks Food Safety

Published: March 22, 2016, 4:25 p.m.

In the wake of all the issues surrounding food and the outbreak of food based illnesses around the country, I thought you'd enjoying hearing from one of the experts in food science on how to clean and disinfect your food and kitchen in your home. 
Susan Sumner began her role of associate dean and director of academic programs for undergraduate studies on an interim basis in November of 2008 but then received the appointment in June 2009.
Sumner joined Virgina Tech as a n associate professor of food science and technology in 1996 and served as head of the Department of Food Science and Technology for eight years. Her long-standing record of service to the university and the food science profession includes chairing university and college department-head groups as well as the Council of Food Science Administrators. Additionally, she has served on the National Academy of Science's food Forum and several of its food safety task-force groups. 
In this podcast, Susan discusses the definition of clean, sanitized, sterilized and disinfection.  She also tells us what really works to clean and sanitize items in your kitchen.  And she answered the questions - Does vinegar really kill germs.