Iowa City Update: Snow Ordinance

Published: Nov. 30, 2023, 10 a.m.


Iowa City Update is a weekly video featuring City of Iowa City projects, programs, and events. Topics this week include a reminder of rules for clearing the sidewalk, a call for artists for a public art project in the Lucas Farms neighborhood, and a recognition for the City's solar energy efforts.

Snow Ordinance for Clearing Sidewalks
Whether it's snow, slush, or ice, learn the rules for clearing your sidewalks when winter weather hits so that all of our residents can still get around safely.

Indigenous History Public Art Installation
The City is seeking an artist to design and create a public art installation that commemorates Indigenous history of the Meskwaki/Sauk Nations.

SolSmart Gold Designation for Solar Energy
Learn about this new designation that Iowa City has earned for its efforts to encourage the growth of solar power for residents, businesses, and organizations.

Iowa City Update - Your source for Iowa City news and information.
