Ep. 25 - Following (Mini-Review)

Published: June 14, 2019, 2:47 p.m.


In which host Dylan gives his take on puzzle-box debut "Following," directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Jeremy Theobald, Alex Haw and Lucy Russell in an amateur thriller about a writer following various individuals for inspiration and getting mixed up in some criminal business. The following questions are answered in this episode. Does the earliness of this work hinder its final product? What's the acting like from these unknowns? And, most importantly, how in the world did Nolan get his style in gear from the very beginning? Answer all of these inquiries and more on the twenty-fifth episode of CineStudy.

In typical CineStudy fashion, this episode is separated into spoiler-free and spoiler-full sections. SPOILERS - 13:11 and beyond

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