Ryan GOESling to the Moon- First Man (2018), Left Hand Brewery & Sweet Water Brewing

Published: March 4, 2019, 12:25 a.m.

In episode 111, Tony & Eddie talk about Ryan Gosling's portrayal of the problematic protagonist/maker of history, Neil Armstrong in, First Man (2018). The boys joke about spoilers here - because we all now how this flick ends - but there is drama. There is tension. There is some worthwhile moments in this movie. Would the boys put their total seal of approval on this one? Did they love it? Did it pass the mema test? You'll have to tune in to find out. Tony also sampled a new/another beer from Sweet Water Brewing this week, and Eddie took a crack at a new Left Hand Brewing selection. They both were rated high so if you've got access to those breweries or are in a location that's within their distribution range and you're looking for reviews - check out this week's episode! And as always, we hope you enjoy this week's episode of, The Cinemantics.