Lost Horizon (1937): Peace on Earth and Goodwill Toward Men

Published: Dec. 16, 2020, 8 a.m.

On today’s episode, I talked with James Lamdin Founder and Director of Vintage and Pre-owned watches at Analog/Shift, a vintage and pre-owned watch boutique located in New York City, if our main character Robert was a New Yorker instead of a Brit, he’d be well acquainted with James who picked Frank Capra’s 1937 epic, Lost Horizon.

Based on the 1933 novel of the same name written by James Hilton, Lost Horizon follows the story of Robert Conway, a war hero, author, and soon-to-be British foreign secretary who is fed up with a world that is progressively getting more and more aggressive and greedy by the second. After rescuing 90 white people like the film’s title storybook opening actually says, Conway his brother George, and three other refugees are unknowingly hijacked and are brought crashing down to a remote mountain range where they encounter a secret valley called Shangri-La where peace and prosperity reigns, for some, for others, they see it as a jail cell. So it back, relax, and spread peace on earth and goodwill toward men.

You can purchase Lost Horizon here 

Check out the amazing collection Analog/Shift has for all of your favorite watch geeks.

Cinemallennials is a podcast where myself and another millennial are introduced to a classic film for the very first time ranging from the birth of cinema to the 1960s. Myself and my guest will open your eyes to the vast landscape of classic film as we discuss the films' performers,  their performances, those behind the camera, and how they and their films still influence our world today.

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