All About Eve (1950)

Published: Dec. 30, 2020, 8 a.m.

On today’s episode, I talked with my cousin, Kelly, the executive editor on We are Bookish who also has a master’s degree in screenwriting, and you can tell by what she says in the show. Kelly picked 1950’s All About Eve, the first Best Picture winner we are talking about on the show. Written and directed by Joseph Mankiewicz, who adapted the script from a short story called The Wisdom of Eve by Mary Orr, All About Eve is a film that personifies theater by presenting the people who run them, play in them, and who obsessively consume it and the vicious cycle of it all. All About Eve due to its elegant and sharp-witted writing is often to be the greatest screenplay ever written, this is also due to the many interpretations people glean from the film, whether it be how women treat each other, how age plays a factor in acting, what does it mean to be successful as a woman and comments on sexuality making its appeal to be inherently intriguing to audiences ever since it was released in 1950.

All About Eve is well, all about Eve, played by Anne Baxter in the sense of her relationship to Margot Channing, played by Bette Davis. Eve is obsessed with Margo and goes to see every show the actress is in, and one night she is invited to meet her matinee idol and tells Margo the tragic story of her life. Margo pities Eve and hires her, and even shelters her in her own home, her social circles, and professional career that is until Eve starts to pull on some of Margo’s established threads. So sit back, relax and fasten your seatbelts for a bumpy night. 

You can purchase All About Eve here.

Cinemallennials is a podcast where myself and another millennial are introduced to a classic film for the very first time ranging from the birth of cinema to the 1960s. Myself and my guest will open your eyes to the vast landscape of classic film as we discuss the films' performers,  their performances, those behind the camera, and how they and their films still influence our world today.


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