How Do I Know If I'm Truly Saved?

Published: March 1, 2021, 12:55 p.m.

#askchurchboy: I have doubts on my do I know if I am truly saved?

Today I answer what it means, and looks like to truly be saved. As elementary as this topic may be for some, it is the most important message that I could ever preach on - as being sure of salvation is the most important thing in all of our lives! 

I honestly don't preach about this enough. But the key takeaway from this message is that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ. He has paid the price, washing away our sins, and when we surrender our lives to Him and make Him our Lord, we secure salvation and go through a real transformation. I wish this experience on every human, I pray that as you listen to this message the Holy Spirit convicts you to be sure of your salvation. This episode will either make some feel more comfort or make some feel more discomfort - either way, GOOD. Love you all, enjoy!


Read: Romans 10:9;  Matthew 7:21; Galatians 2:16; James 2:16-22


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