Mass Shootings and the Evil Attack on Men (Church, Aug 4, 2019)

Published: Aug. 4, 2019, 10:37 p.m.

Sunday, August 4, 2019: At church, e talked about the mass shootings in El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH. The children of the lie are doing what they’re supposed to do: Bring forth evil. Overcome anger and emotions by forgiving your mother. Men are hated because they represent Christ on earth, known since Adam and Eve. Get rid of the man, and it’s easy to destroy women and children. White straight men are the most hated species on this side of heaven. CNN predictably attacked President Trump and celebrated the fact that whites are becoming a minority. BLOG POST: Overcome the intellect. God’s intellect is greater than Satan’s intellect. You can’t trust these “experts,” psychologists and psychiatrists. These people hate morality. Even Buddhists don’t find real peace, because they don’t face anything, but rather they hide. Study the Scriptures to Show Yourself Approved? One young man disagrees with Jesse about studying the Bible. He says the Bible says, “Study the scriptures to show yourself approved.” Others talk about this idea. One woman touches on feeling bad for the shooter’s mother, and what it means to love all people. One man is not a Christian but is trying to follow the Bible. His girlfriend asks Jesse how to get saved and not be evil anymore. She’s 22, from Texas, and lets slip a cuss word while describing what it’s like there. She says her mother supported wrong, smoking weed and drinking with her. Her father she called a “cheater and a liar.” She resented him going after women when she needed him as her father. Jesse urges her to go and forgive, and not apologize for how she was while growing up. Another man is for studying the Bible, which he calls the “word of God.” But Jesse says that the notion that you should “study” the Bible was put there by the enemies of good. God wrote his Word in our hearts. The Bible is a book of letters by people who were inspired, but it’s like if Jesse were to write a letter to Reggie saying, “Don’t be angry.” It’s not going to save you — rather, you must know God for yourself, and not get caught up in intellectual knowledge. But don’t believe Jesse either; rather you should know for yourself. -- SILENT PRAYER: | AUDIO CHURCH Sunday 11am PT (1pm CT / 2pm ET) COUNSELING at BOND or call 323-782-1980 BOOKS DONATE