15. Karl Winkler, RF Guru

Published: Sept. 10, 2020, 10 a.m.

Wireless mics and monitors aren't getting any simpler, but so many churches want to begin implementing them earlier and earlier. So how do we begin understanding all this wireless mumbo-jumbo? Karl Winkler from Lectrosonics joins me this week in tackling these vast and complicated ideas. Wireless systems create so much value and can give us so much freedom -- but with great freedom comes great responsibility (or something like that.) Wireless gremlins, rechargeable batteries, audio jobs in the military, and more on this episode of Church Sound Podcast!

The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and KLANG:technologies.

Episode Links:
Karl Winkler on LinkedIn
SynAudCon Courses
Lectrosonics' The Wire-Lists

Host Samantha Potter is co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online — and editorial director with ProSoundWeb and Church Sound magazine. Reach her via email here.