The Persistent Widow

Published: Jan. 16, 2023, 11 a.m.

Series:  The Power of Prayer
Part 2:  The Persistent Widow
Sermon by: Paul Lawler
Scripture: Luke 18:1-8

In this sermon, Rev. Paul shares how to build up your heart in effective prayer. In Luke 18, Jesus shares a parable to keep us from being discouraged in prayer.

Widows at this time were some of the most vulnerable people in society. They had no none to stand up for them. If the judge had feared God, he would have realized that he had a special obligation to the widow as her only line of defense. But the judge had no regard for the woman, and now, the widow had an enemy.  

But the widow would not give up. She kept coming.  She persevered, and finally, in exhaustion, the judge did the right thing and made a judgment in her favor.

Why would Jesus tell such a parable? The obvious answer is to help us pray; We face the vulnerability of losing heart. Your Savior knows you are vulnerable and can lose heart.