The Church That Puts God First

Published: Nov. 14, 2022, 11 a.m.

Part 11:  Ekklesia: The Church That Puts God First
Sermon by: Rev. Paul Lawler
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9–12

You’ve probably heard the phrase before, “First things first.” So what are the “first things” of the blessed life? 

There are more than 500 verses in the Bible concerning prayer, nearly 500 verses concerning faith, but more than 2,000 verses on the subject of money and possessions.  

Jesus talked about money in 16 of his 38 parables. From the Bible's standpoint, we clearly need to understand money and how to handle it. Because money is a test from God. How you handle money reveals volumes about your priorities, loyalties, and affections. It directly dictates many blessings you will (or won’t) experience in life and the future.