The Blessings of the Fear of the Lord [Chris]

Published: Aug. 22, 2023, 10 a.m.

Series:  Why the Fear of the Lord Matters
Part 6:  The Blessings of the Fear of the Lord
Sermon by: Bro. Chris Carter
Scripture:  Acts 9:31

Drawing from Acts 9:31, this sermon unpacks the transformative impact of this often-overlooked discipline on our lives and spiritual journey.

The early church, despite limited resources and facing challenges, made an exponential impact on the world because they walked in the fear of the Lord. In contrast, modern society can sometimes trivialize this essential heart attitude. The 21st-century Church is challenged to rediscover the vitality of the fear of the Lord, a doctrine often forgotten but crucial for a vibrant spiritual life.

This episode illustrates the dynamic nature of fearing the Lord, explaining how it embodies both awe of God's transcendence and intimacy with His immanence. Through compelling stories and Biblical references, the podcast elucidates the dual aspect of a healthy relationship with God, emphasizing the reverence and devotion that intertwine within it.