Serving: Staying in Circulation | Bro. Chris

Published: Oct. 24, 2023, 10 a.m.

Series: Above & Beyond
Part 3: Serving: Staying in Circulation
Sermon by: Bro. Chris Carter
Scripture: 1 Peter 4:10-11

In this installment of the Stewardship Series, Above and Beyond, Bro. Chris Carter focuses on 1 Peter 4:10-11. The sermon begins with a thought-provoking comparison between Christianity and a bowl of lima beans, emphasizing the need for the Church to demonstrate God's love and power to the world.

Bro. Chris emphasizes that Christians are saved to serve, challenging the idea that many are more concerned with where they'll sit in church than where they'll serve. The core message centers on the concept of spiritual gifts and their purpose in serving others. Each believer receives spiritual gifts, which are not for individual glory but for the common good and to build up the body of Christ.

Through poignant illustrations and biblical references, the sermon underscores the importance of actively giving and serving within the church community. It highlights that our gifts, whether natural or spiritual, are meant to be used to benefit others and bring glory to God. The ultimate goal is to live, speak, serve, and love in a way that God receives all the credit.