8 A Brief History of Proof-of-Stake

Published: Aug. 12, 2019, 9 a.m.


In this episode, Felix walks through the history of Proof-of-Stake and explains how PoS compares to economic arrangements like surety bonds. The episode covers early examples of surety bonds, the parties in such an agreement, the analogy between Proof-of-Stake and surety bonds, as well as important dates in the history of Proof-of-Stake starting with the inception of Peercoin in 2012 over the Tendermint whitepaper in 2014 and Casper research in 2017 to the emergence of the Proof-of-Stake validation ecosystem and the many PoS innovations we are currently witnessing.

A Brief History of Proof-of-Stake Blog Post: https://blog.chorus.one/brief-history-pos

Surety Bond History: https://surety1.com/history-surety-bonds/

Staking Economy Newsletter:

Staking Economy All Issues: https://medium.com/staking-economy/tagged/blockchain

Other Proof-of-Stake explainer posts on the Chorus One blog: https://stakingeconomy.substack.com/
Framework for Classifying Staking Implementations: https://blog.chorus.one/classifying-staking-implementations-a-framework/

PoS Ecosystem 101: https://blog.chorus.one/pos-ecosystem-101/

Chorus One: https://chorus.one

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