36: Band Protocol: Off-Chain Data for the Internet of Blockchains with Soravis Srinawakoon

Published: April 27, 2020, 9 a.m.


In this episode, Brendan and Felix are joined by Soravis Srinawakoon, Co-Founder and CEO of Band Protocol, a data governance framework for Web3. Band is soon launching its own Cosmos SDK chain focused on provisioning oracle data for blockchain applications.

We cover what the oracle problem is, how Band is able to provide off-chain data to blockchain applications in a single transaction, what the team imagines the role of Band Chain to be within the ecosystem and take a look at the parties involved in Band\\u2019s ecosystem. The second part of our conversation focuses on decentralized finance and the need for reliable oracle solutions, as well as a discussion of recent events following the \\u201cBlack Thursday\\u201d crash that shook the Ethereum DeFi ecosystem.

We wrap up with Soravis telling us about upcoming hackathons and the current state of the network leading up to mainnet.

Band Protocol Website: https://bandprotocol.com/

Cross-Chain Hackathon with Band: https://medium.com/bandprotocol/cross-chain-virtual-hackathon-w-cosmos-agoric-band-protocol-spread-the-pandemic-inside-487747e2b1e

Game of Zones: https://goz.cosmosnetwork.dev/

Band x Chorus Announcement: https://blog.chorus.one/partnering-with-band-protocol-to-bring-off-chain-data-to-the-internet-of-blockchains/

Band x Chorus AMA Summary: https://blog.chorus.one/band-ama

Chorus One: https://chorus.one

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