30 Cosmos Governance Working Group with Figments Gavin Birch

Published: Jan. 28, 2020, 5:24 p.m.


In this episode Felix is joined by Gavin Birch, community analyst at Figment Networks, who has took it upon himself to improve the decentralized governance process of the Cosmos Hub. We start by going into Gavin\\u2019s background in the crypto space and how he joined the Figment team before exploring Gavin\\u2019s experience working on coordinating the upgrade to Cosmos Hub 3.

Figment recently put forth a proposal to the Cosmos community pool, which is a source of capital that the Cosmos Hub is collecting by taxing block rewards and transactions fees. The proposal (#23, linked below) seeks to fund Gavin\\u2019s work to form a Governance Working Group and to create a bunch of documentation and templates that should help everyone to better understand the governance process, as well as lower the barrier of entry of filing a funding proposal to the community pool. Felix and Gavin explore the intricacies of blockchain governance and discuss controversies and learnings from this early experiment in decentralized funding.

Cosmos Governance Working Group Twitter and Social Links: https://twitter.com/CosmosGov

Proposal 23: https://hubble.figment.network/cosmos/chains/cosmoshub-3/governance/proposals/23

Cosmos Governance Working Group Funding Request: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSMGEoY2dfxADPfgoAsJxjjC6hwpSNx1dXAqePiCEMCbY

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