Episode 780: 09 - Amritabindu Upanishad - Mantras 11 to 14

Published: July 30, 2022, 6 a.m.


We go through waking, dream and deep sleep states. But the entity who goes through each state is different. It is called Vishwa, Taijasa & Prajna.\\xa0 What is the common entity that is present in each state?\\xa0 It is the Self.\\xa0 Each state excludes the other.\\xa0 But Self is same in all. This method of Anvaya-Vyatireka(Presence-Absence) is used to discriminate between Self & Not-Self in Vedanta. Mantra 11 of Amritabindu Upanishad speaks about this.\\xa0

Mantra 12 describes Pratibimba Vaada. The theory of reflection and makes us aware that just as the Moon reflecting in the bucket of water is different from the bucket, water & its nature, same way the Self reflecting in the Subtle body is different.\\xa0

Mantra 13 describes Avaccheda Vaada. The theory of limitation. Just as the pot cannot limit the space, same way the Body, Mind & Intellect cannot limit the Pure Consciousness or Self.

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