Episode 413: 117 - Vivekachoodamani - Verses 420 to 422 - Science of Reality - Part 2 - 7 April 2020

Published: Jan. 16, 2021, 4:19 a.m.

b'Talk 117 Verses 420-422

This talk on the Science of Reality discuss the benefits of sadhana practice for a seeker, in a logical sequence. The practices of satsang and viveka lead to vairagya, and the dispassion is followed by the shatka sampatti of mind and sense control and withdrawal from extrovertedness is essential for the experience of Supreme Bliss. Vairagya is strengthened further with knowledge and vasanas can be exhausted through pratipaksha bhavna. On detachment from the body, mind and intellect, in steady contemplation, the abiding peace of the True Self descends.

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