The Eternal Tarot of Alchemy and Kabbalah 05 The Hierarch

Published: July 23, 2017, 4:19 a.m.

The law of causality is present in every level of nature, from gross materiality to the heights of the psyche and spiritual abstraction. This law has been known as karma in the East (from the Sanskrit karman: action and consequence). The Judeo-Christian tradition has referred to this law as the Torah: the divine law of balance and equilibrium that serves as the basis for every mystical tradition. Spiritual life is based upon laws and the implementation of their causes. Therefore, learn how to develop superior action to pay karma. By performing selfless service and struggling for the spiritual well being of others, we obtain our own peace and happiness, thereby overcoming the mechanicity of suffering. This indicates that karma is not a blind law, but is managed by superior beings and can be negotiated in accordance with the qualities of the heart. This lecture also explains the esoteric symbolism of the gnostic pentagram, the Hebrew letter Hei and the significance of Abraham's meeting with divinity in Genesis, as well as how to negotiate with divinity and pay one's karmic debts.