Spiritual Awakening 01 Yoga for the Aquarian Era

Published: April 18, 2021, 1:53 a.m.

Many profess that humanity is in a new age, yet few have capitalized on its revolutionary energy for the benefit of others, demonstrated by the universal prevalence of moral, psychological, and social decay. This divine zodiacal influx has the potential to transform, yet one must be educated and dedicated to specific disciplines for its direction and mastery. Awaken this spiritual force through Aquarian Yogas: Mantra (sacred sounds, chakras, and powers), Raja (royal meditation), Jnana (scriptural study), Bhakti (devotion, prayer, and worship), Karma (selfless service), Kundalini (sacred sexuality), Nordic (runes), and Yantra (Tibetan rites for rejuvenation). Through accumulating and transmitting the Aquarian influence, we empower our spirituality and positively impact our communities.