Fundamentals of Gnosticism 05 Gnostic Philosophy

Published: Dec. 14, 2014, 2:41 a.m.

In its purest form, philosophy signifies the love (philos) of wisdom (sophia), a Greek term denominating the experience of the truth within the innermost depths of the soul. Etymologically, this term points towards the relationship of the consciousness with the divine, a distinction ignored by modern philosophical systems. Genuine philosophy is the soul's ardent inspiration, knowledge of and connection to the Innermost, the Being, the spirit, a feat achieved through transcending and transforming the mind, placing it at the service of the divine. This methodology contrasts with mere scholasticism, theories, concepts, and the sophistries of universities, which only use the intellect to be clever and theorize. Rather than seeking to play with the intellect, it is better to go beyond the mind in order to know the spiritual realities beyond the limitations of matter. Learn how the fourth and final pillar expresses the mystical science, wisdom, and art of the complete human being: an individual who is fully aware and manifesting the spiritual truths contained within the universe. Through loving the divine and placing the intellect at the service of the spirit, we can in turn gain genuine philosophical knowledge based on our own experience.