C - Character

Published: Oct. 30, 2020, 11 a.m.

Character is defined as the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual: 

In this life, things can belong to us but if we get them before our character is developed, we could squander them. We could misuse and abuse the opportunity or position.

God anoints, but character is your own responsibility to build on a daily basis.

I often times say, God forbid you find yourself in a place where the anointing takes you but your character can’t keep you there. This is called pre-mature exposure and it's a travesty. It could destroy so much of what God has purposed and planned for your life.

Listen in to this episode of "The ABC's of Getting Out of the BAG" C - Character. Learn the principles of God's desire for our character and how to build upon it consistently in order to remain free of EVERY BAG!
