CTS_ep 83 The Hunger

Published: May 16, 2017, 6:17 a.m.

Episode 83 brings you "the Hunger” (1983), directed by Tony Scott. Before getting into the film, your hosts talk about what else they’ve been watching. Jolyon watched 1984’s “New Tales of the Flying Fox”. You know, the one with the famous quote, “What, fertilizer? It is a cocktail of excrement.” Will has been into season 2 of a British show, set in old (olde?) times, then we learn that a ninth century Saxon king may be buried under a tennis court. The two things are unrelated. You’ll find out what movie Will describes as just “moving parts on a screen”. Speaking of screens, Richard is happy that the old 4:3 TV format is extinct. Jolyon remembers when it would reduce dialogue scenes to a pair of talking noses. The guys reflect on the old days when they could’ve been goth…but weren’t. Will says New Mexico is too hot for it, but warns that Santa Fe is full of vampires. Then the film. It has everything: the screen debut of Bauhaus, a brief appearance by a young Willem Dafoe, a whole bunch of David Bowie, riveting performances by Catherine Deneuve and Susan Sarandon, and super-stylized filmmaking provided by Tony Scott. There are no fangs, yet there’s lots of blood. So, put on your best black threads and get ready to feast your eyes on a classic!