A Caucus of Caring (9:45 Contemporary)

Published: Aug. 28, 2016, 5 a.m.

b'The Way of Unity: Walking Through Valleys of Disagrement: A Caucus of Caring: The Christian community was becoming more complex. There are apostles, disciples, Hebrews, Hellenists. As the community grew, the diversity grew. The Hellenist widows were being shortchanged the allotment of food, probably because they were outsiders and the Hebrews were in charge of the distribution. Notice how no blame is assigned, rather a solution is proposed. In our culture, no solution is proposed...only blame is assigned. The solution is pretty amazing. They choose Greek-speaking Christians to handle the allotment of food. The voice of the marginalized is heard and in love their need is met. The "Seven" become the model. The disciples passed power to them. Notice at the end of the passage that the WAY the situation was handled led to growth of the community.'