Building modern hybrid applications with Azure Arc and Azure Stack | Azure Friday

Published: Feb. 12, 2021, 8 p.m.

Thomas Maurer joins Scott Hanselman to show how developers can be more collaborative in developing, deploying, and managing applications across multiple environments and clouds. Build and deploy a truly consistent app experience everywhere in your hybrid cloud using your existing DevOps pipelines, Kubernetes manifests, and Helm Charts – as well as your choice of tools. Azure Arc is integrated with GitHub, Azure Monitor, Security Center, Update and more.

[0:00:00]– Introduction
[0:02:20]– Presentation + Azure Architecture Center
[0:05:13]– Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes cluster demo
[0:11:37]– Azure Arc enabled data services demo
[0:13:53]– Azure Stack portfolio
[0:16:06]– Wrap-up