Cave Crew Radio eps 1- Deflated Balls

Published: Jan. 25, 2015, 10 p.m.

Welcome to the cave peeps. Mancave and shock talk radio has a new meaning. Join us on our world premier show has Brian (Queens, NY) and Double K (Ontario, Canada) wrap up the week in the man cave. Its one week before the Super Bowl and even though neither of the hosts like either team. We dive into New England's history of scandal, especially the deflated balls. We talk a little hockey and wrestling, debate players salaries and pro sports allstar games. What would you do if your kid got a bill for missing a birthday party. The boys field some calls and have a blast. Sit down enjoy a few beers cave dwellers its only the beginning. This is your voice. Cave Crew Radio airs live every Sunday at 10 pm eastern 7 pm pacific or you can subscribe on I Tunes or Stitcher. Check out the home page and hit that donate button or support our sponsors at