Cave Crew Radio 10-Milk in a bag, bucking broncos, and Swiss army knives

Published: March 28, 2015, 11 p.m.

Its a special Saturday late night edition to the show this week, because DK is watching Wrestlemania on Sunday. Big B is feeling a little sick at the beginning of the show but he is back to his old self in no time. Some how we get on the topic of Swiss army knives, while giving us a lesson we find out that Brian has quite the collection.. DK introduces Brian to one of the strangest things of all, milk in a bag. During our Hardy boys crime segment we tell you about a father that shoots his son in the buttocks because there is no orange juice. Our favorite conductor and UK correspondent Choo Choo Stu checks in with some happenings on his train, including a defecating women, and a young couple in love. Unfortunately after Stu checks in we are left with more questions than answers. Its hash tag #BoldAsBrass. All this and so much more on another fast paced edition of the show. Cave Crew Radio can be heard live every Sunday night at 10 pm eastern on AllradioX M&T. Check out the home page at CCR is made possible by the generous donations of our listeners