The TLM is good, but it isn't Magic

Published: Aug. 28, 2021, 1 a.m.


We start the show talking about the recent Provincial Assembly (thanks for the invite, Fr. Roberts and Fr. Cahill!) and then stuff about Church life and not giving a crap about a bunch of Church stuff.


Then Luke brings up some documentary on the Traditional Latin Mass (that\'s not anti-Vatican 2) and Luke goes off on a rage about those who seem to think that the TLM is magic and will fix everything when the FREAKIN\' NAZIS HAD THE LATIN MASS AND THOSE FREAKS COMMITTED GENOCIDE!


Finally a chat about daughters dating and what it was like hanging out with parents.

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  • soteriology - Which theory of the atonement did C. S. Lewis hold? - Christianity Stack Exchange — When Scripture says that Christ died \'for\' us,a I think the word is usually \\u1f51\\u03c0\\u03ad\\u03c1 (on behalf of), not \\u1f00\\u03bd\\u03c4\\u03af (instead of). I think the ideas of sacrifice, Ransom, Championship (over Death), Substitution, etc., are all images to suggest the reality (not otherwise comprehensible to us) of the Atonement. To fix on any one of them as if it contained and limited the truth like a scientific definition wd. in my opinion be a mistake.
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