WHY THE “ASTHMA AHA!” MOMENT COULD SIGNAL A NEED TO TAKE ACTION MAY IS ASTHMA AWARENESS MONTH Asthma affects more than 20 million adults in the U.S. and up to 10 percent of all asthma patients have severe asthma – in fact, each day 10 Americans will die from asthma. If people with asthma feel anxious about

Published: Sept. 18, 2019, 9:15 p.m.

WHY THE “ASTHMA AHA!” MOMENT COULD SIGNAL A NEED TO TAKE ACTION MAY IS ASTHMA AWARENESS MONTH Asthma affects more than 20 million adults in the U.S. and up to 10 percent of all asthma patients have severe asthma – in fact, each day 10 Americans will die from asthma. If people with asthma feel anxious about doing household chores, running errands or taking a walk because of fear of another asthma attack, this may be their “asthma Aha!” moment signaling a need to find out if asthma is a bigger part of their life than they think. Not everyone experiences asthma the same way and symptoms can change over time. Even if someone thinks their asthma is under control, it might not be and it may be a more severe form of asthma. If a person with asthma has made one or more trips to urgent care, the emergency room or a hospital; experienced two or more asthma attacks in a year; or has symptoms that cause wake ups at night and interfere with daily activities--now is the time to consider the reason why. Severe asthma can also be linked to eosinophils, a type of white blood cell. Almost 50% of people who have severe asthma have an increase of eosinophils in their lungs, which could cause more frequent asthma attacks. Getting the right treatment at the right time for severe asthma is important because repeated asthma flare ups and inflammation caused by long-term uncontrolled asthma may lead to lung damage. Severe asthma doesn’t have to keep people from living life. Find out about the available treatment options for severe asthma that can help reduce eosinophils counts and symptoms. If someone has had an “asthma Aha!” moment, they can take action, visit asthma.com, download the asthma e-guide to track their asthma, gain better control and have a more meaningful conversation with their doctor. INTERVIEW WITH: Dr. David Slade, a national asthma expert, pulmonologist and GSK Medical Affairs Lead on Asthma, is available to discuss how people with severe asthma can best manage their condition. Dr. Slade will be joined by Donna Matlach, a ballroom dancer with severe asthma and co-founder of the Severe Asthma Foundation. SUGGESTED QUESTIONS: DAVID SLADE, MD What is asthma and who does it affect most? How is severe asthma different than asthma and what causes it? What advice can you share to help patients who may be struggling to manage their asthma? Where can our viewers/listeners go for more information (asthma.com) DONNA MATLACH, ASTHMA SUFFE