WHO CAN GIVE OUT THE MOST FREE STUFF? THE RACE: Andrew Yang draws campaign crowd of 3,000! Darkhorse to get spotlight on Dem debate stage... Promises universal basic income, news czar... SOCIALISM ANALYST: Gary S. Goldman is the nationally recognized host of “Business, Politics, & Lifestyles” a weekly talk show

Published: July 31, 2019, 6:40 p.m.

WHO CAN GIVE OUT THE MOST FREE STUFF? THE RACE: Andrew Yang draws campaign crowd of 3,000! Darkhorse to get spotlight on Dem debate stage... Promises universal basic income, news czar... SOCIALISM ANALYST: Gary S. Goldman is the nationally recognized host of “Business, Politics, & Lifestyles” a weekly talk show airing on WCRN 830 in Metro Boston MA. New Jersey's largest city plans to test Universal Basic Income program... New Jersey’s largest city plans to test whether universal basic income is feasible, making it the latest government to flirt with a program that would guarantee income for residents whether or not they have a job. Newark Mayor Ras Baraka announced his decision last week to create a task force and pilot program to study whether the program is possible. READ: www.foxnews.com/politics/new-jerseys-largest-city-plans-to-test-universal-basic-income BIO: Gary is a conservative, who champions small government, free-market capitalism, and the importance of maintaining the USA’s role a strong well respected leader throughout the world. His show deals with cutting-edge, political, social, foreign policy and business issues with a wide range of topics, guests, and points of view. Gary believes that personal responsibility, accountability, a strong family structure, quality education, and hard work are the keys to success for all Americans. Gary’s goal is to show how political correctness, victimization, and many of the progressive liberal policies have duped the American people, especially minorities and women, into false hopes and promises. Gary has been involved in the construction industry for over 25 years. He has a wide array of experience as the owner of multimillion-dollar landscape, irrigation, snow removal, and pavement maintenance companies. WEBSITE: garyonbpl.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/businesspoliticsandlifestyles TWITTER: @GaryOnBPL