Wake up President Trump! Prison Reform is Needed. Now!

Published: Aug. 22, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Wake up President Trump! Prison Reform is Needed. Now! 08/13/2018 Press Release “President Trump... Please don’t make the same mistake two California governors made back in the early 2000s.” That’s the advice prison minister and author Marty Angelo made in his most recent letter to President Donald J. Trump. Angelo has made numerous attempts to reach both President Trump and his son-in -law Jared Krusher who the president put in charge of his 2nd Chance prison reform project. So far, Angelo claims his attempts to offer the president a program he helped design in 1991 for the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office have fallen on “deaf ears” as it did back in 2006 when he reached out to then Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and again in 2013 to Governor Jerry Brown. Angelo remarked in a recent radio interview that “It is just as discouraging now as it was back in California when both governors did not respond to at least testing my drug treatment program.” The Substance Abuse Awareness Program that Angelo wants President Trump to try has a long track record of evidence-based success. Thousands of inmates graduated from the SAAP program from 1991-2010 never to return to a life of crime.”