Texas Ranch Goes From Selling Animals For Slaughter To Rescuing Animals For

Published: Oct. 12, 2017, 11 a.m.

- Interviews Available Rowdy Girl Sanctuary is the first documented beef cattle ranch to ever convert from selling them for slaughter in the agriculture industry to rescuing them and becoming a vegan farm animal sanctuary. We are an education based sanctuary that teaches folks that if cattle ranchers can go vegan anyone can - we always tell our story and because it is so unique people listen - vegan or not, people are very curious about cattle ranchers that have gone vegan. Website: rowdygirlsanctuary.org Renee King-Sonnen, Executive Director and Founder of Rowdy GirlSanctuary is available for interviews. Renee King-Sonnen, a native Houstonian, is the Executive Director and Founder of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary in Angleton, Texas. She remarried her husband Tommy Sonnen, a multi-generational cattle rancher in 2009 and moved to the ranch. She fell in love with farm animals, having no idea her life was about to transform. After witnessing time and again the baby calves going to the sale barn she became extremely depressed. In October 2014, she went vegan as a result and began researching factory farming and the compassionate alternative, farm sanctuaries. She desperately consulted with leaders in the vegan movement, determined to do whatever she could to create sanctuary out of what was once a beef cattle operation in the heart of cattle country.