Rolling Stone Investigative Journalist GREG PALAST Reveals Brett Doster, Roy Moore's Campaign Chief Directed Illegal GOP Florida Voter Fraud

Published: Sept. 17, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

In 2004, BBC TV exposed Brett Doster, now Judge Moore’s campaign chief, for illegally "caging" Black, Hispanic and Jewish voters, a crime explained by Bobby Kennedy Jr. in our film, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. In 2004, the Palast team got our hands on highly confidential memos from inside the George W. Bush campaign giving "," its Florida Political Director, one of several secret lists of voters to challenge. Karl Rove’s Research Director, Tim Griffin, sent letters, for example, to soldiers in Iraq, "Do Not Forward." When the letters came back as "undeliverable" the "caged" letters were used as evidence the soldier didn’t exist. Note: A US soldier on duty overseas, may legally vote for President, of course. "Caging" is a crime—but those who committed the crime, the Bush campaign, were also in charge of prosecuting themselves. They didn’t. So Doster is running Moore’s Senate campaign instead of breaking rocks on a chain gang. During my filming for BBC, Doster literally ran away from me, though I chased him around Tallahassee. Doster’s press flak told me Doster told her the lists were of GOP donors. Then I showed her the list included hundreds of men registered to vote at a homeless shelter. The new edition of film with RFK's explanation of Doster’s criminal acts of vote suppression is out today. (The segment with RFK on caging begins at 41:25 when I say, "I’ve been investigating Rove since 2004…." to 43:16: "Mission accomplished.")