Meghan McCain: Eric Holder Should Be in Jail, Not Running for President...

Published: June 22, 2017, 2 p.m.

"More than two years after leaving the Obama administration, former Attorney General Eric Holder is reentering the political fray. His goal: to lead the legal resistance to Donald Trumpâ??s agenda â?? and perhaps even run against the president in 2020. Seized by a sense of urgency to oppose Trump and restore what he regards as Americaâ??s best self, Holder is mulling a White House bid of his own, according to three sources who have spoken to him and are familiar with his thinking. â??Up to now, I have been more behind-the-scenes,â?? Holder told Yahoo News in an exclusive interview about his plans. â??But thatâ??s about to change. I have a certain status as the former attorney general. A certain familiarity as the first African-American attorney general. Thereâ??s a justified perception that Iâ??m close to President Obama. So I want to use whatever skills I have, whatever notoriety I have, to be effective in opposing things that are, at the end of the day, just bad for the country. â??Now is the time to be more visible,â?? Holder added. â??Now is the time to be heard.â?? On Monday morning, Holder launched this new phase of his career by traveling to California to speak out." READ: READ: