mark j rose

Published: May 10, 2018, 2 p.m.

Description of the books: American scientist Matt Miller is torn from his own century and dropped into Colonial America with nothing except a backpack. His phone, his money and his identity are all useless and he quickly finds that he is foreign and alone in his own country. He suspects that his twenty-first century knowledge of science and technology could make him a king in the New World, but he soon finds that eighteenth-century America is a dynamic place where nothing is guaranteed. The challenge to prosper, succeed and especially to win the hand of a beautiful Virginia farm girl is like nothing he has ever faced. There are two books in the series. The first is called Journeyman, and the second is Prophet. The third book is nearing completion. Here are links to learn more about each book. I attached a picture of the first book's cover (Journeyman), as well as a headshot of the author.