Lori Handrahan

Published: Dec. 12, 2017, midnight

Release Date: October 20th Category: Family & Relationships/ Abuse/ Child Abuse, Self-help/ Abuse, Psychology, History 184 pages - $24.95 Print ISBN-13: 978-1-63424-159-5 Epub - ISBN-13: 978-1-63424â??172-4 Kindle - ISBN-13: 978-1-63424-173-1 In light of current events that continue to dominate our headlines, this book needs to be in the hands of every American. There needs to be a National database of these criminals, and a list of their offenses. No more sweeping their very real, heinous crimes under the proverbial rug. No more letting them remain in power to continue to offend. Our children need to be protected. Children need to be rescued and saved. This book is a wake-up call about a subject too few people want to discuss. That is, while no one was watching, America has become a child pornography nation. The problem of child sex abuse and its cover-up is real. A generation of American children are being destroyed. If you think this happens to someone elseâ??s children and your children are safe, you are mistaken. Your children might be enduring sexual abuse right now while you remain dangerously ignorant. Americaâ??s appetite for child pornography puts all our children at risk. Your children and mine. Whether you acknowledge it or not. This is a very real epidemic. Recent Amazon reader reviews Book Giveaway on Goodreads ------------------- Author available for limited interviews, please contact Julia Cox 541-285-0696 or selinacox29@icloud.com Praises and support for Lori Handrahan's dedicated work in putting this book together: "The safety of our children is an issue that all Americans must be concerned with. Sex crimes against children in particular, cyberporn and all the rest is beyond atrocious.â?? -Paul Brandus, White House reporter. West Wing Reports "I view Dr. Handrahanâ??s efforts to pull together the data surrounding child pornography and child sexual abuse that was scattered, until this book came out, as a seminal document from which I hope Congressional hearings, corporate action, and greater parental awareness will come. Through the data and information amassed in Epidemic, it is no longer possible to equate child sexual abuse, pornography, and exploitation as the acts of a few raincoat wearing men or sophisticated entertainment, but the most hateful and evil conduct imaginable.â?? -J. Robert Flores, National Law Center for Children and Families, Vice President and Senior Counsel, 1997 - 2001 Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, United States Department of Justice, Administrator, 2002 - 2009 Coordinating Counsel on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Vice Chairman Congressional Child Online Protection Act Commission , Commissioner, 1998 - 2000 Deputy Chief, Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Criminal Division, Senior Trial Counsel, 1989 - 2007 "Finally, someone with the strength and courage to expose the epidemic that is destroying our country. Child sexual abuse, in all its forms, is not and never has been just a familyâ??s dirty little secret. It has been under our collective noses all along and we have ignored the stench. Dr. Lori Handrahanâ??s thorough research deftly illustrates how money, sex, and the exploitation of our children have fueled a fire that is ravaging our nation, our world. Epidemic: Americaâ??s Trade in Child Rape answers questions that no one dares to ask and identifies abusers whom we donâ??t want to admit exist.â?? -Sgt. Stephen J. Pickering, Maine State Police (retired) About the Author: Dr. Lori Handrahan has over twenty years of humanitarian and human rights work in Central Asia, Africa and the Balkans. Her focus is gender-based violence, conflict/post-conflict environments, UN reform, and ending child sex abuse. Dr. Handrahan completed her Ph.D. at London School of Economics. Her work is published widely from academic journals to The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Huffington Post, The Washington Times, Forbes, The National Journal, The Daily Beast, and Fox News. She has been a guest on CNN, Fox News, CTV, and CCTV.