Published: Sept. 3, 2018, 10 p.m.

The confirmation hearings for President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh got off to a chaotic start on Capitol Hill Tuesday, with Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee demanding Republican Chairman Chuck Grassley adjourn the hearing as more than a dozen protesters in the gallery called for it to end. Grassley’s opening statement was immediately interrupted by Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif. Harris took issue with the timing of the release of thousands of documents related to Kavanaugh’s work in former President George W. Bush’s White House. The document dump on Monday night was orchestrated by a lawyer for Bush. READ MORE: www.yahoo.com/news/kavanaugh-hearing-starts-bang-protesters-dems-interrupt-opening-statements-150945260.html?soc_trk=gcm&soc_src=dbb2094c-7d9a-37c0-96b9-7f844af62e78&.tsrc=notification-brknews