I Am Vindicated with the Release of the Mueller Report

Published: April 22, 2019, 10:36 p.m.

I Am Vindicated with the Release of the Mueller Report By Jerome Corsi I feel vindicated since I rejected Robert Mueller’s plea deal because I felt it was fraudulent. The one count Mueller wanted me to plea to was my first day testimony when I had not yet downloaded my 2016 e-mails. I wanted to give his prosecutors my computers voluntarily in the condo where they were located since the last day I used them. My "crime?" I had forgotten key e-mails. CALL Sandy at 516-735-5468 or e-mail Sandy to schedule interviews with Dr. Jerome Corsi. Mueller’s prosecutors allowed me to go home for 10 days to load and review the 2016 e-mails. I returned and amended my testimony. The charge Mueller wanted me to plea was the first day’s testimony, when I made memory mistakes. I never knowingly gave Mueller testimony I knew to be false on a material matter because I intended to deceive them. I gave 40 hours of voluntary testimony always intending to tell the truth, admitting my memory of e-mails and conversations from 2016 was not good. Mueller’s prosecutors blew up my testimony because they couldn’t believe that in July, 2016 I figured out Assange had Podesta e-mails he planned to make public in October 2016. That Mueller did not indict me proves they wanted me to plead guilty to someone Mueller could not prove was a “lie.” I never had any contact with Assange directly or indirectly. Mueller’s prosecutors were convinced I was the link between Roger Stone and Assange. That never happened and the prosecutors couldn’t prove otherwise. I wrote Silent No More: How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller's "Witch Hunt" to give a firsthand account of what I consider to have been abusive questioning, especially in the last 20 hours when I was honestly trying to see if there might have been anyone who could have connected me to Assange. The FBI visited or otherwise questioned virtually everyone I contacted in 2016 and 2017. In the end, I knew I could not stand before a federal judge and swear under oath that I committed a crime I know I did not commit. My wife woke up one morning while I was struggling over the plea deal and told me she would rather visit me in prison the rest of my life than have me be a different person than the man she married. I would not lie if that was what it took to keep me out of prison. That was a critical moment in my decision to resist Mueller. Silent No More documents the abuse I suffered and is the background for