eyna hill

Published: Nov. 22, 2016, 3:29 p.m.

2) 1:15 pm CA time - a return visit with the dynamic personality, Ina ("eye-nah") Hillebrandt...call her at 310-881-9786...author of "You Are Who You Eat"--sounds Cannibalistic, is it? If so, is there a Special Thanksgiving for Cannibals? I hear there is a restaurant in L.A. catering to Cannibals--is that true? Ina, you've also author'd a best-selling book on how to write a memorable memoir--what are the secrets? Can anyone pen a memoir? Is it easy? What are the obstacles? Tell us a bit about your fascinating life...where you grew up and about those zany cross-country trips you made with your Dad & brother from the East Coast to California...was each trip a special adventure? Why did you select New Orleans for your college education? You've had many different careers...which did you like most? What advice can you give listeners anxious to inject humor into their writings? Is there a secret formula? How will you spend Thanksgiving? What future literary works do you have for us?