Disaster Prep for Average People

Published: March 25, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Disaster Preparation Authority and Author of â??Emergency Prepping: Simple Disaster Preparedness for the Modern Family,â?? Anthony Kovic has a mission in life, helping the average person prep for disaster. Depending upon where you live and your personal situation, Anthony has a plan for you. Itâ??s not about extreme prepping at all, itâ??s about what you would need to have if the lights and water went out for up to two weeks. Anthony was inspired to write his book after Hurricane Sandy hit the Northeast and he helped guide a number of friends and family through the worst part of the storm. He uses the info in his books and his first hand experiences to help people cope with the fear of impending severe weather. Whether its water consumption or battery life, Anthony has the answer!