CEO Riggs Eckelberry

Published: April 22, 2019, 8:05 p.m.

A water crisis. And yes, it affects you. Did you know that only 1% of America's water is treated? And most water mains are 100 years old and are breaking down, causing floods, losing over a billion gallons of water a year. OriginClear, formerly known as OriginOil, who made headlines for extracting oil from algae, are back at it and taking over the water industry. They've created the ModularWater packaged waste water treatment systems. These prefabricated tanks are perfect for small towns, housing developments, breweries, and farms that want to treat their water themselves. Modular Water’s packaged wastewater treatment systems are innovative, economical and have a lifespan of up to four times that of traditional concrete, steel or fiberglass systems. Using Structurally Reinforced ThermoPlastic (SRTP) materials and high-tolerance factory assembly under controlled conditions, our systems will reduce both installation and total cost of ownership. The EVERUS product line is an ideal choice for decentralized wastewater treatment in residential, commercial, agricultural and municipal settings. Treatment capacities range from the EVERUS2.5 (2,500 gallons per day) to the EVERUS250 (250,000 GPD). The ModularWater tanks can alleviate all of that by treating water locally. It may cost half a million, but you'll make that back in savings in just a year! Imagine how much we could save and affect the water crisis if we could get these tanks into local housing developments, or breweries or small farms - or even in Flint. Of interest? I can introduce you to CEO Riggs Eckelberry who can discuss all things water, efficient and quick water treatment and trends in the water industry overall, as well as the Green New Deal.