Author Mitchell Thompson on world history and religions

Published: March 20, 2019, 8:50 p.m.

Author Pens Curious Book Connecting The Timeless Thread Of The Interconnectivity Of The World’s Religions And Their Place In History; He Maintains These “Intimate Connections” Brilliantly Illustrate Certain Commonalities In Both Ethics And Ideology That Cannot Be Ignored Los Angeles, CA - - Author Mitchell G. Thompson explains, “’Introspective Rationale: The Odyssey of Theodicy’ is a nonfiction historical narrative, placed in the special genre of general history and philosophy. This book attempts to journey the reader on a quest in understanding the deeper connection between major worldly religions and their historical context. These intimate connections, once revealed, display certain commonalities in both ethics and ideology. Such ideological parallels can be further understood in their application within modern science and mathematics - namely quantum mechanics. For example, there exists many numerological significances in ancient scripture; numbers of meaning which translate within modern fields of scientific study. One must first understand the history of both religion and science before gaining a deeper insight on their dualistic partnership.” -more- INTROSPECTIVE RATIONALE: THE ODYSSEY OF THEODICY – 2 When asked what he wants his readers to understand from his new book, Mr. Thompson replied: “I want my readers to understand the simplistic, within an otherwise complex, relationship between the religious experience and the discoveries of modern science. By understanding the historical context for many religious scriptures, the audience will leave with a better understanding of their own religious foundation.” About the Author: Mitchell G. Thompson was born in Hemet, California and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. He was educated in the North Kansas City School district and was a scholarship student at William Jewell College in Liberty, MO. This is his first book. The author says his work was influenced by writers such as Aldous Huxley and Friedrich Nietzsche very early on. “Their influence on my work is 10-fold, namely for their many layers of meaning within their writing,” said Mr. Thompson. Speaking about his journey to become an author, Mr. Thompson commented: “For over two years, I sat in near isolation and solitude in order to accumulate the knowledge and wisdom required for writing my book.  In doing so, I engaged in many disciplinary practices, such as fasting and indulging in asceticism. The practice of asceticism is met with the shaving o