Creating a Wellness Culture - The Wellness Warrior Mindset

Published: Feb. 12, 2021, 3:17 a.m.


Everyone values wellness but few are able to achieve it. I have a clear mission the cultivate a culture of wellness through a Wellness Warriors mindset of prioritizing physical health and emotional wellness for longevity and quality of life. This is done with the values of Improving the Quality of Life and Quality of Death. The help people have a better experience of life as it pertains to the consumption, navigation and advocacy in healthcare. To help people become knowledgeable advocates who is organized and better prepared with an action plan anytime someone they love is in the hospital, has an easy to use system of being organized for visits with healthcare providers and knows the ins-and-outs of getting things done with efficiency. There are 12 principles of the Wellness Warriors Mindset that will be discussed within an easy 3-step approach all done with the 4 cornerstones of the Wellness Warrior Mindset - to create efficiency, ease, enjoyment and to progress in our skills, knowledge and perspectives to create wellness in our bodies, minds and souls. Be Safe. Be Well. Create Wellness. Enjoy Life! Making sure we do our mind, body and souls a solid by caring for them properly so that we may reach our full potential and enjoy life fully with the least amount of struggle is the ultimate goal! We just have to learn our SOUL - it is the essence of WHO WE ARE - it is the feeling response to what is happening around us; how we FEEL about what is happening around us. Then for a whole bunch of reasons we stop caring properly for our souls. Children do it beautifully and then we try to make then stuff and deny their own feelings. Our soul then deems itself UNWORTHY because we have betrayed it so many times by not acknowledging the existence and validity of our feelings. We did that to ourselves. Each and every one of us carries a heavy bag of unworthiness that creates a whole bunch of "evidence" that we encounter and we sentence our soul to a life sentence of unworthiness. We have become a culture of DENIERS of our FEELINGS and BETRAYED and ABANDONED our SOULS! Caring and healing our souls by loving and nurturing ways we can possibly imagine doing - not questioning at all - just loving and healing our inner child. Everyone already knows how to do it because it is the ways we RESENTED those closest to us for NOT LOVING US the RIGHT WAY! I have been prepared in this life because I am the sum of my experiences - all of them - every day - it was all teaching me. I am listening to the KNOWING of my SOUL. I was prepared SOULY for the PURPOSE of creating a new wellness culture because I have been given this understanding and the ability to communicate it to EVERY SOUL. I am teaching the LANGUAGE of the SOUL! I am going to change the mindset to Caring for Souls because each of us was SOULY CREATED for the PURPOSE to ENJOY LIFE! SOULY CREATED 2 ENJOY LIFE! 


What do you say? 




Links: Caring for Souls Human Condition playlist on Spotify



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just be collaborative


wellness warriors


language of the soul


caring for souls


none of us are immune


wellness warrior mindset


souly created 2 enjoy life!


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