When Capitalism Becomes Tyranny, with Sohrab Ahmari

Published: Nov. 2, 2023, 11 a.m.

b'In his new book, Sohrab Ahmari argues that the concentration of economic power in the hands of a few corporations has created a new form of tyranny in America. "Coercion is far more widespread in supposedly noncoercive societies than we would like to think\\u2014provided we pay attention to private power and admit the possibility of private coercion," he writes.\\n\\nAhmari, founder and editor of Compact magazine, joins Bethany and Luigi to discuss his book, "Tyranny Inc.: How Private Power Crushed American Liberty--and What to Do About It."\\xa0 In this episode, they discuss the complex relationship between capitalism, personal freedoms, and political power. The conversation sheds light on what classical liberalism ignores, how today\'s Right is discovering what the Left may have forgotten, and ultimately, where today\'s political Left and Right may be able to work together.'