A Christmas Story Christmas

Published: Nov. 29, 2022, 9 a.m.

Tis the season for Dudley Moore dressed as an elf, Cousin Eddie kidnapping Clark's boss, a holiday party at Nakatomi Plaza, and Bill Murray being visited by three ghosts. And while Santa Claus The Movie, Christmas Vacation, Die Hard, and Scrooged are classics, we cannot forget the gold standard for holiday movies. Of course I'm talking about 1983's A Christmas Story. In fact it's so treasured it runs on a 24 hour loop every Christmas Eve through Christmas Day. But today we're not talking about A Christmas Story, today we're talking about it's belated sequel, A Christmas Story Christmas. Can this new version hold up. Will it be the next Maverick or God forbit the next Coming To America 2. Today on Buzzn The Tower we'll dive into another attempt to relive the 1980s as we discuss A Christmas Story Christmas. I'm Mo Shapiro and joining me as always the most emotionally fragile person I know, Max Sanders. And with that, I triple dog dare you!