The Art of Waking Up & Staying Up

Published: Sept. 18, 2020, 8 a.m.


Here we discuss the upside of recovery and what family members and the recovering person should expect. We cover the following topics in this article entitled " The Art of waking Up and Staying Awake".

  1. Treatment is but a start to recovery as a lifelong endeavour. It is, nonetheless, best achieved one day, one action at a time.
  2. It will come as no surprise to veterans of the 12-step program that the things that keep us sober are the same things that make us better people. It is about spiritual development aka as becoming mature, responsible people.
  3. A loving discipline is at the heart of recovery. We will be liberated from the deadly grip of this disorder when we practice the rituals of our 12-step program, aided by a sponsor who knows his or her way around.
  4. As your mind clears, you will rediscover long-forgotten pursuits that you once enjoyed; you will be able to think logically and make better decisions; fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave you.
  5. You will enjoy being alive again and will become grateful for the progress you have been making on your start to a new and amazing life, better than you could possibly have imagined.