Mini Series 7 - What is the family's involvement in the treatment process?

Published: Dec. 1, 2023, 8 a.m.


In this podcast, the producer of our podcast series, Tony, asks the following question:

What is the family's involvement in the treatment process?

  1. The family has been more severely affected by addiction than they realise. They need to understand that family dynamics have to change so that all in the family can recover.
  2. The family also needs to know that their loved one needs to own his or her own recovery all the way and that it is ultimately up to their loved one to do the work.
  3. At SafeHouse Rehab, we provide a toolkit as part of our We Care aftercare program. It contains a contract that includes essential elements for staying clean and sober, primarily attending 12-step meetings, and working with a sponsor.
  4. The importance of the family in the recovery process cannot be overstated. We make sure the family is brought into the conversation early and prior to discharge so that all in the family understand the need for diligence and follow-through.

The family needs to change its thinking as much as does the client. Influential family members must think and act in a healthier way to improve the chances of long-term success for their loved one.
