Is AA a Cult?

Published: Feb. 12, 2021, 8 a.m.


In this article, we tackle the myth that AA is a cult. The evidence is clear that neither is AA a cult, nor that it's a small, obscure organization.

Unlike a cult, Alcoholics Anonymous, AA:

  1. Is about privacy, not secrecy, in order to protect the identity of individuals who would prefer to remain anonymous. Because there is still the stigma associated with an addictive disorder.
  2. Encourages you to go out and make a difference in the world now that you are no longer a menace to society.
  3. Does not ask for money; it's the best ROI one could imagine, as one could spend nary a penny and still attend every AA meeting free of charge - if one is so inclined.
  4. Has no charismatic leader or guru. AA is a not-for-profit corporation led by a board of directors who elect a chairperson to speak for the fellowship on matters affecting alcoholics and alcoholism. More can be learned, and literature can be ordered at
  5. Members believe as they wish. The power of "we" is a mighty force that keeps us together. Carrying the message of hope will keep the fellowship alive and will alleviate needless suffering.